INTERNET in public administrationSMALL businessCITIES & townsMUNICIPAL governmentPHILOSOPHICAL analysisThe article aimed to investigate the role of e-government in improving the services, offered to small businesses in the City of Tshwane, which forms part of the Gauteng Prov...
The literature around discrimination in the workplace has studied the issue with a particular focus on the role of stereotypes. The framework based on the stigma theory by Goffman (1963) is often adopted (Bhankaraully et al.,2022). In line with the literature, this is the framework we also...
CITIES & townsSMALL businessBUSINESSPEOPLESMALL business marketingENTERPRISE resource planningThis article explores, and offers recommendations to address, the factors impeding small business development in the City of Tshwane (formerly Pretoria), Gauteng Province, South Africa. It also examines small ...