In a small Texas town, graduating high school seniors participate in a dangerous game that tests their fears and wits. This thrilling show explores the lengths to which people will go for a chance at a better life, all while keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Premiered: May...
The shift was signaled in the opening credits, a rolling sequence of ranchland, pump jacks, and shining office towers. This was the Texas of the brief second oil boom, when petro-millionaires were back in the news and the more-for-me ethos of the eighties was coming into view. The ...
No sooner had we arrived in Great Falls, and Nick put forth a wonderful idea – Grant-Kohrs needs a horse drawn dump wagon. Betty knows where a couple of them are, and we could restore one for the Ranch’s use. Grant-Kohrs will pay for any materials needed and we would donate the...
Elusive, obscure, and eclipsed in popularity by their larger cousins, small cats are amazing, high-performance predators.
Whether it’s a clever use of vertical space, an outdoor kitchen, or colorful furniture, these patio ideas prove that small spaces can have a big impact.
Texas: Atrial Rubicite - Score: 4.62 - Ratings: 1,933 - Brewing company: Jester King Brewery - Style: American Wild Ale - Alcohol by volume (ABV): 5.8% A low alcohol content ale coming out of the Lone Star State just doesn't seem right, but it manages to be just that in a bottl...
The hippestlittle town in Texasis renowned for its avant-garde art and a youthful population that stokes an intriguing local bar and restaurant scene. Despite that bizarrePrada installationon the outskirts of town, the hinterland in far West Texas still carries a Wild West vibe (as portrayed in...
getty images 13/55 marfa, texas within the last decade, artists and designers began to flock to this wide-open landscape three hours south of el paso, opening galleries, hotels, and shops, but not without compromising the swathes of nature and iconic buildings like the italianate-style ...
Emporium. Situated in the old People’s Lumber Company building, it’s Ojai’s first coffee house and remains a community staple. If you’re looking for a more upscale option, you can also experience just how fresh farm-to-table can be by making a reservation at theOjai Ranch House. ...