EmojiFaces / SmiliesHearts / EmotionPeople / Limbs / HandsAnimalsFlowers / TreesFood / DrinksTransportationTime / WeatherCelebrations / HolidaysSports / Games / ActivitiesClothing / AccessoriesAudio / VideoScience / TechnologyReading / WritingBusiness / MoneyToolsHousehold ObjectsMaps / TravelSymbols / Si...
This Sticker is totally free and customed for GO Keyboard(with 10000+ colorful themes and 800+ emoji, emoticons and smiley faces)! ★New Emoji Features-It contain a variety of beautiful&funny stickers! -You can send all stickers to your favorite social networking chat application like Whats...
Get Emojinal’s In-Store Merchandising Idea for Small Marketing Budget Novelty Items:You’ll find “blowing a kiss emoji” mugs, lip balm, lunch boxes, sticky notes, notepads,tumblers, tattoos, moodcalendar, and selfie props. These items are not only cute, but they’re also practical. The ...
emojied 一个可以把任意网址转换为 Emoji 表情符号的开源项目,还挺有意思的。 LetsMarkdown 一个轻量级的网页版 Markdown 编辑器,支持实时协作编辑、语法高亮、自动补全、主题设置等功能。 infra 一个让你能够快速访问项目基础设施(如 Kubernetes、数据库)的管理工具。集成了简单易用的命令行工具,支持配置同步、权限...
Markdowm编辑器推荐和Emoji 表情 编辑器 之前用过许多markdown的编辑器,比如小书匠,马克飞象等等,Markdown的基本语法都是支持的,而且基本都有云盘保存的功能,但是它们都有一些缺点,比如界面太丑(不对我的口味),编辑体验不是太好等等。今天推荐一款编辑体验从超好的markdown编辑器Typora。