BAD TOOL #1:Delta 31-255x Drum Sander. Sure, a drum sander is not a vital tool for wood-workers. But this one sticks in my craw anyway!I felt the design was utter crap. It wouldn’t keep alignment on the 4 lead screws. Which meant I couldNEVER sand anything evenly…and everything...
BAD TOOL #1:Delta 31-255x Drum Sander. Sure, a drum sander is not a vital tool for wood-workers. But this one sticks in my craw anyway!I felt the design was utter crap. It wouldn’t keep alignment on the 4 lead screws. Which meant I couldNEVER sand anything evenly… and everythin...
so i put the table up for sale, but kept the chairs, and after using a deglosser, (like this one:Klean-Strip Easy Liquid Sander Deglosser) to remove the glossy finish (which was SOO easy), i painted the chairs in that same Dove White and recovered the cushions in some fabric i ...
Big thanks to Jamison fromRogue Engineerfor cluing me into the fact thatOsborne Woodhas CAD files of all their products on their website (so I could stop agonizing on how to create turned legs in SketchUp)! And a HUGE thanks to Osborne Wood for sending me the turned legs that make this...
SMART HOME CAPABLE– About to go to bed, but not sure if you locked the door? Just pull up the app on your smartphone and check it, then lock/unlock from your phone. When “Optimization Culture” Goes Too Far I’m all for stacking this little wins and improvements to add more joy,...
so i put the table up for sale, but kept the chairs, and after using a deglosser, (like this one:Klean-Strip Easy Liquid Sander Deglosser ) to remove the glossy finish (which was SOO easy), i painted the chairs in that same Dove White and recovered the cushions in some fabric i...