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The nature of entrepreneurship dictates that entrepreneurs make decisions using speculative and imperfect information about funding modes, their own firms, and the environment (Kirzner,1997; Mises,1949). Moreover, although entrepreneurs attempt to maximize value (Casson,1982), entrepreneurs’ decisions are...
Reports on the development of a transistor made from a single atom by researchers at United States' Cornell University. Likely consequence of the atomic transistor; One problem with the atom...
The single biggest challenge facing small businesses today is an unwillingness to accept being a small business. So many small firms try to appear to be “big” and they’re not. Embrace being a small business and go after the clients who see the value in a small firm. Being nimble, hav...
@carnage4life, @shiraovide, @molleindustria, @nycsouthpaw, @tomgara, @prvncher, @zhugeex, @obsoletedogma, @thestalwart, @patrickmcgee_, @garrytan, @ericgeller, @thestalwart, @prashanth_krish, @lisaabramowicz1, @flglmn, @nkulw, @joshuatopolsky, @joemccann, @jrhennessy, and @michaelbke...
The importance of design for firms’ competitiveness: A review of the literature. Technovation 2014, 34, 716–730. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Singh, R.K.; Garg, S.K.; Deshmukh, S.G. Strategy development by SMEs for competitiveness: A review. Benchmarking Int. J. 2008...
Zasoby rzek Przymorza i ich zmienność. In Zasoby i Ochrona Wód—Obieg Wody i Materii w Zlewniach Rzecznych; Bogdanowicz, R., Fac-Beneda, J., Eds.; Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego: Gdańsk, Poland, 2009; pp. 47–62. [Google Scholar] Ekologia, P.L. Ochrona Śr...