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The most significant aspect of this conversation for me happened towards the end of the discussion. After debating philosophical differences between sides of the political spectrum, trading thoughts on what the manifestations of those differences are, and talking Big Picture concepts, I referred to my...
I picture family members racing to answer before anyone else could. This reminds me of my own childhood, when we fought our way to the telephone to be the first to pick up the receiver. “Make it snappy,” someone would inevitably order when I received a call. “I’m expecting an ...
Miffed, he set up a Web page with her picture and a description of what had happened. He forwarded the link to his friends, and they forwarded it to their friends. Someone found the MySpace page of Sasha’s boyfriend, and a link to it found its way onto the site. Someone found her...
17th of May 1893 by Norwegian painter Christian Krohg (1852–1925). Note that the flag does not have the Union badge of Norway and Sweden, the so-called sildesalaten (Herring salad). TheConstitution of NorwaywassignedatEidsvollon May 17 in the year 1814. The constitution declared Norway to...
A typical teenager, I was pretty much wrapped up in my own little world: keeping up with fashion, music, being only vaguely aware of the outside world, etc, etc…. you get the picture. But this was Munich, and this was Christmas 1972. ...
A baby is born with a beard, and the story of his infancy from his eyes is in "Born with a Beard". Author Ted Ringer takes a look at families from the infant's perspective and in the process generates brilliant satire with his excellently compiled prose. Although not a picturebook, th...
Father wrought on how it led to a poisonous nature that spread throughout her family, who kept it secret in the name of familial love, and how the abuse of one spreads to us all, as she warns how this epidemic of abuse is having bigger repercussions in the national picture than most ...