While the literature on firm size provides some general guidelines and benchmarks for identifying small firms (number of employees and turnover), it is often necessary to fully understand what ‘smallness’ implies in the context of a unique industry. The remainder of the paper is organized as...
copy number variation CR: complete response DCR: disease control rate DoR: duration of response EAS: efficacy analysis set EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor FAS: full analysis set ITT: intention-to-treat NGS: next-generation sequencing NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer ORR: ...
For example, the most comprehensive biotech survey so far, carried out in 2003 by the eGoli Bio incubator and the Department of Science and Technology, puts the number of compa- nies with biotech as their core business at 47, of which 39% were in the human health field13. Our sample ...
Keywords: afatinib, NSCLC, EGFR, first-line, Phase III, Chinese patients Introduction In China, lung cancer is the most predominant malignancy and the leading cause of cancer death.1 Furthermore, its incidence and mortality are rapidly increasing; the estimated number of deaths due to lung ...
“Edward Snowden showed that yes, a number of nodes had been run by government snoops, Dingledine said, but not very many – not enough to compromise the integrity of the mesh.” How can he prove that integrity of TOR is not yet compromised ? Similarly to be fair what can be used to...
It is estimated that in 2040, the number of glaucoma-affected patients may reach up to 111.8 million worldwide [7]. There are several types of glaucoma, whereas primary glaucoma occurs in the absence of an identifiable secondary cause, such as pseudoexfoliation, pigment dispersion or chronic ...
The best cell number for the assay for all cell lines resulted to be 1 × 104 cells/ well, as this value is included in the linear range of the curve obtained plotting control absorbance versus cell number. Cell lines were cultured at the concentration of 1 × 104 in 0.1 mL of medium...
where subindexjrefers to the firm;Ej,t+ 1measures whether firmjat timet + 1 exports; HIC*TFPj,tand LIC*TFPj,tmeasure the TFP of firmjat timetfor high- and low-income country groups, respectively;\({\Omega }_{j,t}\)is a vector of firm characteristics (i.e., number of emplo...
Keywords: afatinib, NSCLC, EGFR, first-line, Phase III, Chinese patients Introduction In China, lung cancer is the most predominant malignancy and the leading cause of cancer death.1 Furthermore, its incidence and mortality are rapidly increasing; the estimated number of deaths due to lung ...
Target mRNA values and the content of mtDNA copy number were determined by comparison to the control sample after being normalized to β-actin levels and calculated using the comparative cycle threshold ( Ct) method. 4.9. Statistical Analysis Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS ...