These versatile 3D structures can be generated on-site, ready for integration into photonics and biosensing applications. Artwork by LetPub, Accdon.doi:10.1002/smtd.202370047M. Carmen Gonzalez-GarciaEmilio Garcia-FernandezJose L. HuesoPedro M. R. PauloAngel OrteSmall Methods...
methods.postmethod 需要依赖哪些jar HttpClient及有关jar包详解 1.HttpClient简介 HttpClient 是 Apache 2022美杜莎版传奇,神装全靠打,不肝不氪全靠欧! letpub --SCl学术科研服务品牌-英美母语润色 letpub,20年信誉,竭诚为您提供高效快捷的修改服务,包您满意,专业认可,经权威机构认证,全方位降重直至成功接收!广告 ...
Materials and methods Materials Silver nitrate (AgNO3) and 4, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich (CA, USA). Hydrogen tetrachloroaurate trihydrate (HAuCl4·3H2O), sodium sulfide (Na2S), sodium borohydride (NaBH4) and trisodium citrate dihydrate were provided by Alfa...
2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study area The Tibetan Plateau is the cradle of many great rivers, with abundant water resources, and it is an important water tower that maintains the ecological system of China and even Asia. Thus, it is known as the “Asian water tower.” Because the famo...
Methods:Nano‐flow cytometer (nFCM) was used to detect CD147 expression in plasma-derived sEVs in 155 HCC patients, 59 liver cirrhosis (LC), and 82 healthy donors (HD). The mechanism of hepatocellular carcinoma cell-derived sEVs CD147 promoting angiogenesis was elucidated by cell proliferation...
SMALL影响因子是期刊所有文章的被引次数,与期刊文章数的比值,具体算法复杂一些。通常来说,影响因子越高说明期刊越好,但是例外也有很多。一些经典老牌杂志,影响因子一直不高,但是非常权威,各个领域都有这样的杂志。 SMALL杂志属于工程技术行业,“物理:应用”子行业的顶级杂志。 投稿难度评价:影响因子不是太高,但是是一...
small methods影响因子 由于Small Methods杂志 2017年才创刊,因此,2020年将获得首个影响因子。通过web of science数据库进行查询,发现该刊2017和2018两年中总共发表... 2016 影响因子 什么时候出 汤森路透的JCR(期刊引证报告)一般于当年的6月份公布前一年的期刊影响因子数据。也就是说2016年6月份将公布2015年 《small...
2. Materials and methods 2.1. Cell lines and cell culture Human NSCLC cell lines NCI-H520, NCI-H226, NCI-H460, and A549 and a normal human embryonic lung cell line MRC-5 were purchased from ATCC. A549CD147−knock down was previously established and identified [10]. Cell lines above ...