thanks to her mother’s awful mistake, they had to leave what little they had behind for a new start in Rochester. Abby tries to be an average teenager—fitting into school, buoyed by dreams of a boyfriend, college and a career in music. But Minnesota winters...
In “I Can See Right Through You,” a middle-aged movie star makes a disturbing trip to the Florida swamp where his former on- and off-screen love interest is shooting a ghost-hunting reality show. In “The New Boyfriend,” a suburban slumber party takes an unusual turn, and a teenage...
but I also admire Howe’s commitment to pushing poetry in difficult directions, and I love her definition of poetry as the intersection of sight, sound, and sense, so look forward to seeing what strange new thing she’s got for us in this one. ...
"Jesus in Love at the Cross" is a brilliantly written novel sure to open the eyes of whoever sets theirs upon it, and highly recommended for community library gay fiction shelves.
271. U___ Li is my aunt’s boyfriend. 272. Nobody u___ 18 is allowed to smoke. 273. Please speak more slowly so that you can make yourself u___. 274. Each student should wear his school u___ at school. 275. U___ gives strength. 276. The basic u___ of society ...
Physics professor Edwina Goodwin puts on her detecting hat. Using her scientific sleuthing skills to assist her almost boyfriend Police Detective Will Tenney, the pair work together to investigate the campus murder. Edwina wants to know - - why did the murderer tie a strip of film around the ...
56. Why did Jennifer try to stop her boyfriend? A. Because they would miss their train. B. Because he didn’t see the train coming. C. Because she was sure Lisa was hard to lift. D. Because she was afraid the train would kill him. ...
it has become an accompaniment to many of the expeditions/travels of my boyfriend and i, and even the sole impetus to leave the house on some days. while i enjoy walks in and of themselves, discovering new pokemon, getting items and achievements, and earning levels –however silly/trite it...