This text was copied from Wikipedia on 28 December 2024 at 6:10AM. Smallpox Other names variola,[1] variola vera,[2] pox,[3] red plague[4] A child with smallpox in Bangladesh in 1973. The bumps filled with thick fluid and a depression or dimple in the center are characteristic. ...
Many people (mostly in their 40s or older) who got the smallpox vaccine have a permanent scar on their arm where they got the injection. This scar isn’t from the needle but rather from the body’s immune reaction to defend itself against the controlled infection caused by the live vaccin...
These tiny, wingless parasites feed on blood and can infest your hair and wreak havoc on your scalp and cause extremely itchy red bumps. Although head lice are very small and hard to see, their eggs (called nits) are often easy to see stacked at the bottom of hair shafts. The nits are...
Many people (mostly in their 40s or older) who got the smallpox vaccine have a permanent scar on their arm where they got the injection. This scar isn’t from the needle but rather from the body’s immune reaction to defend itself against the controlled infection caused by the live vaccin...