SMALL for gestational ageThe International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) is a scientific organization that encourages sound clinical practice, and high-quality teaching and research related to diagnostic imaging in women鈥檚 healthcare. The ISUOG Clinical Standards ...
The current accepted evidence-based indications for GH are GH deficiency, Turner syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, small-for-gestational-age children who fail to show catch-up growth, idiopathic short stature, and chronic renal failure. Growth hormone guidelines More results ► Medical browser ? ▲...
Small for gestational age(SGA) is defined by having, for both sex and gestational age, a birth length at least 2 SD below the mean, or birth weight below 10th population centile. SGA can include infants who had intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), infants small due to an underlying genet...
Documenttitle:Termsmallforgestationalagebaby Publicationdate:December2010 Documentnumber:MN10.16-V2-R15 DocumentSupplement Thedocumentsupplementisintegraltoandshouldbereadinconjunction withthisguideline Replacesdocument:MN1012.16-V1-R13 Author:QueenslandMaternityandNeonatalClinicalGuidelinesProgram ...
Adults born small for gestational age (SGA) present a significantly different regression line and have lower exercise capacity per unit of LV mass than controls (P = .04 for interaction). B, Regression line showing an inverse association between the peak V̇o2 and the quantity of bi...
GA, gestational age; SGA, small-for-gestational age. GA BW, g BW SDS BL, cm BL SDS Male (%) First birth (%) Maternal smoking (%) Term birth 39–41 weeks GA n = 723 39.8 ± 0.75 37–38 weeks GA n = 256 37.6 ± 0.49** 2554 ± 286...
This study investigates whether preterm birth, small for gestational age, or large for gestational age are associated with increased risks of atrial
Small for gestational age(SGA) has been variously defined as birth weight or length below the 10th percentile or 2SDs below the mean.173,289-291About 10% to 15% of children born SGA have persistent growth failure beyond 2 to 3 years of age.292SGA status is associated with increased long...
Since fetal programming is sex-specific, there may also be sex-specific in parental influences on newborn birth weight. We aimed to investigate the influence of parental factors on small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants of different sexes. Based on a pr
Objective To examine the influence of postnatal energy quotient (EQ, energy intake/kg body weight per day) on head circumference (HC) growth and mental development of very low birth weight (VLBW), small for gestational age (SGA, <10th percentile) preterm infants. Study design SGA VLBW pre...