Define Small-for-gestational-age. Small-for-gestational-age synonyms, Small-for-gestational-age pronunciation, Small-for-gestational-age translation, English dictionary definition of Small-for-gestational-age. or birth·weight n. The weight of an infant
Looking for online definition of Small-for-gestational-age in the Medical Dictionary? Small-for-gestational-age explanation free. What is Small-for-gestational-age? Meaning of Small-for-gestational-age medical term. What does Small-for-gestational-age me Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):"Stages of Pregnancy." This tool does not provide medical advice.See additional information: THIS TOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. It is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstance...
Define smallage. smallage synonyms, smallage pronunciation, smallage translation, English dictionary definition of smallage. n an archaic name for wild celery Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Pub
(SDS) below the mean for gestational age and gender.3The etiology of SGA consists of a broad spectrum of maternal, environmental, placental, and fetal factors, but in a significant proportion of cases the reason for being born SGA remains unclear. By definition, 2.3% of all live-born ...
studies have more consistently used the definition of SGA as birth weight or length (or both) at least 2 SD below the mean for gestational age (usually at or below the 2.3 percentile for a population). The termIUGRhas been used interchangeably with SGA to describe these infants. However,...
small for gestational age SGAw , SGA infants with birth weight below -2 SDS SGAu SGA infants with birth length below -2 SDS Intrauterine growth retardation, or being SGA, has a life- long impact on a fetus's potential for development and survival (for references, see Refs. 1 and 2)....
small for gestational age small indented calcified kidney small interarch distance small interfering ribonucleic acid small intestinal absorption small intestinal bacterial overgrowth small intestine small intestine biopsy small intestine meridian small intestine transplantation small lymphocytic lymphoma small meal ...
small-for-gestational-age infant small-fruited small-grained smallholder smallholding smallish small-leaved lime small-leaved linden small-lot storage small-minded small-mindedly small-mindedness smallmouth smallmouth bass smallmouth black bass
small-for-gestational-age infant small-fruited small-grained smallholder smallholding smallish small-leaved lime small-leaved linden small-lot storage small-minded small-mindedly small-mindedness smallmouth smallmouth bass smallmouth black bass smallmouthed bass smallmouthed black bass smallness small-part...