The production of biogas through the anaerobic digestion of cattle manure and its subsequent use in the generation of electricity on larger farms in Ontario is currently economically attractive. This is a result of the Ontario Feed-In Tariff (FIT) program, which provides incentivized rates for the...
We also did not include certification and its impacts on welfare effects, or contract farming between large enterprises and small farms, because they have been explored in two separate and recent systematic reviews10,69. The systematic review by Ton et al. 10 reports that contract farming may ...
TORONTO - The Ontario government is once again extending electricity rate relief for families, small businesses and farms to support those spending more time at home while the province maintains the Stay-at-Home Order in the majority of public health regions. The government will continue to hold ...
TORONTO – The Ontario government is extending electricity rate relief for families, small businesses and farms to support those spending more time at home in response to the provincial Stay-at-Home Order. The government will continue to hold electricity prices to the off-peak ...