I work at a farm that uses their team of Percherons to farm, give hayrides, spread manure, etc. One of the horses gets his tongue over the bit. I’ve been told he’s always done this since they had him. I have always thought: #1. You have very little control, and #2. It woul...
P.P.P.SPut yourself in this position... You've just started off in raising cattle, now you want to move on to add goats and ducks to increase your profitable farm, having your copy of this ebook will make all that be possible for you. All you have to do is open your ebook and ...
Adoption of research-based rainfall variability management strategies among small-scale farmers in South Africa is limited. A study was therefore conducted to improve understanding of rainfall variability management using the farm typology, and snowball and focus group discussion approaches. Farmers across ...
In owning a micro farm or small scale farm, there has to be a balance between the animals and the plants because ideally you want to create a food chain where each feed each other. You need the manure from thefarm animalsto enrich the soil so that the soil can then produce good crops...
In On Good Land: The Autobiography of an Urban Farm, Michael Abelman documents his fifteen-year effort to create an economically viable farm in Goleta, California, a suburb of Santa Barbara. Today, Fairview Gardens is a twelve-acre organic farm, surrounded by suburban sprawl, shopping malls, ...
It's also resulted in inexperienced, new farm owners wanting a working farm due to tax benefits and bragging rights when they're back in the city. But they don't want to own a real farm. Instead, they want a "storybook version of a farm, minus the manure and the noise, and one th...
Odor and ammonia emissions:thanks to the process ofBio-hygienization, the ammonia emissions drop, not only within the environment, but also from the manure produced on the treated farm.
Combining farm yard manure (application of local adaptation) and chemical fertilizer protect the natural resource base, rebuild depleted soils and increases productivity. Naazie et al. (2023) identified that integrated soil fertility management is one measure of adaptation to climate change. In ...
If the hindquarters can be kept free from manure, it may not be necessary to dock the tails of lambs from the conventional wooled breeds. This possibility will vary by feeding, management, and breed. Grain feeding promotes looser stools, but grazing lush spring pastures can also cause feces ...
Drawing on a set of farm studies originally published in Otsuka and Larson (2016), we document how resource management-based technologies can supplement conventional high-yielding seed-fertiliser technologies to improve smallholder productivity in SSA. 2 Green Revolutions as a Path Out of Rural ...