The Caribbean Mercy is at Harrison Brothers for engine repair, restocking and other repairs. The 272-ft. vessel specializes in bringing the precious gift of sight to those who badly need it. "We thought this was an area where we could make a difference to a dedicated group of volunteers ...
Change the oil.Even if your plane isn’t ready for an oil change, change it anyway — it’s important to remove contaminates in the oil. First, take the plane on a short flight to get the engine oil temp up, then return to the airport and change the oil. Inspect and clean the oi...
Oasis. Farm. Poop zone. I don’t know if you can call our property a “farm.” Wedohave an acre of land in Arizona. Wedoprovide a lot of our own food and we do have lots of poop. Er, animal poop that is. I guess that pretty much qualifies as a farm, wouldn’t you agree?