Synonyms for SMALL: little, diminutive, pocket, tiny, fine, slight, smallish, miniature; Antonyms of SMALL: large, big, substantial, sizeable, considerable, sizable, great, massive
I emailed Gail in a panic. She responded immediately and assured me that with a few simple precautions, I could eat and drink whatever I like. Amen. But perhaps more importantly, she dispensed theses additional tips: find a good tortillaria ...
The interviews are served up, bite-sized, covering all manner of subjects: technique, inspiration, family, art, lifestyle, support, to name a few. What becomes apparent after a few pages is how much in common they–and we–have, in spite of differences in gift, genre,voice, and approach...
2 [sing] (infml 口) food 食物: I haven't had a bite (to eat) all morning. 整整一早晨我一口东西都没吃. 3 [C] wound made by a bite or a sting 咬伤; 叮伤; 蜇伤: insect, mosquito, snake bites 虫咬伤、蚊子叮伤、蛇咬伤. 4 [C] taking of bait by a fish 鱼吞食诱饵; 上钩: ...