dogs; Denmark; 69.Modeling forest owner harvesting behaviour and future intentions in Tasmania. 机译:对塔斯马尼亚州森林所有者的采伐行为和未来意图进行建模。 作者:Putten I. van;Jennings S. 期刊名称:《Small-scale Forestry》 | 2010年第2期 关键词: forest ownership; forest policy; forest resource...
dogs danger china calls buy soft revolution relief realize protection practical pictures paris odd lips levels legs largely forty families ends cutting connection completed block appeal animal ancient achievement wonder traffic statements starting stands signs saturday reference projects policies ought monday ...
These cuties have been becoming more and more popular in recent years. Mixing a cocker spaniel and a poodle creates a cockapoo. One of the biggest reasons for this is they don't shed like other dogs, meaning they're practically hypoallergenic – if you or someone in you...
Food insecurity means a situation in which “people do not have adequate physical, social or economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life” [1] (p. 8) and is generally associated with developing coun...
Rehoming laboratory animals that are alive and healthy after animal experiments, or that have not been used and are surplus, is common practice in animal laboratories. However, this is especially true for larger companion animal species. As normal as it seems to grant cats, dogs and horses a ...