Dog ate chocolate?Lump with hole and something moving in it.Species: CatBreed: Tabby? not sure, as Age: 6-12 monthsHi, i just got a new kitten 3 days ago, this morning i woke up and picked her up and she hissed in pain and jumped out of my arms. the night before she didn't...
Dog ate chocolate?What breed is my dog?Species: DogBreed: I Always Wanted To KAge: 2-5 yearsHello I Always Wanted To Know What Breed Or Type My Dog Is ? It's A Russian Small Dog But Dunno Maybe I'm Wrong!! Can You Help Me Please !! Here Some Pictures of My Dog On My Face...
Who ate my chocolate? Small mammals and fruit damage in cacao agroforestryAgroforestry systemCrop damageMarsupialPopulation sizeRodentSmall mammals interfere in plant dynamics through seed and seedling predation, and seed dispersion. In anthropogenic systems, some species provide ecosystem services while ...
Like, “That’s my Dog. I stored it here.” He is growing into one funny imaginative little boy. I am so glad I have this time to spend next to him, beside him as we both grow older together, and we both grow funnier. I ran to the mall to buy an air conditioner, which ...
And NOW, doggie doo-doo bags and dog treats. Life wasn’t complicated enough trying to maneuver all of the COVID rules … now I have to maneuver puppy protocols too. I sometimes tuck some chocolate covered almonds in my pockets (for me) … but after almost chowing down on a dog biscui...
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2. My daughter was craving take-out so I sent her out to pick up Taco Bell for herself and I ate leftovers. A savings in calories also. 3. I made dog biscuits for my dog and my granddog who I dog sit for on Mondays so my daughter can sleep. Both dogs were waiting in anticipati...
I see pictures of all of these boards for meat and cheese or hot chocolate or roasting marshmallows. And I get charcuterie-paralysis. What do I put on it? What cheese should I put on it? Salami or Pastrami? Fruit, no fruit? Just the thought puts me in a stand still. ...
Sometimes their delightful dog Bu joins us. One day we didn’t want the outdoor hang to end so we got takeout from Raleigh Raw (I got a poke bowl, obviously the prego lady got something different!) and ate on their porch. Mm. Another day I headed down to the Raleigh/Cary area to...
(one gift, we draw numbers to pick). The big gift was the bobber cooler and since we all have one now, everyone tries to avoid the large box. Except for the year it was full of beer. Then everyone wanted it. Last year I got a hot dog that wiggles and says, “I’m on a ...