the cell phone charges should be paid by you personally and then reimbursed by the company for the business use portion through an accountable plan. This in turn makes the reimbursement a tax deduction for the business. For more information on Accountable Plans and how to implement them,click ...
The company’s integrated service strategy combines accounting solutions with legal expertise to provide agility and compliance in a continually changing market. Benefits of Partnerships: Holistic Approach: Eesti Firma services include company registration, legal consulting, and financial administration. Experie...
If we assume that our CCPC has an active operating business income of $500,000 or below for the year, then our corporation will pay the lower corporate tax rate we discussed above. Because that tax rate is lower, all of the dividends that the company pays out will be non-eligible divide...
LinuxPCX develops rapid deployment ERP business software solutions for the small businesses, startups, manufacturer that sell products on the internet. ERP is automation,integration company's core business. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) business pro
Public accountability would exist where a company's shares or debt were listed on a public exchange or that the company was a financial institution with fiduciary responsibilities. Whilst it will be up to each jurisdiction to decide the scope of application, the IFRS for SMEs (IFSME) could be...
If we assume that our CCPC has an active operating business income of $500,000 or below for the year, then our corporation will pay the lower corporate tax rate we discussed above. Because that tax rate is lower, all of the dividends that the company pays out will be non-eligible d...