it is striking how much these adjuncts appear to have in common across the two languages. While the qualitative corpus data of the present study cannot be used to make quantitative claims about the relative frequency of these adjuncts
27 people displaced as fire claims small ND townJAMES MacPHERSON
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Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Related link TRANSLOCATION consortium: Supplementary information Supplementary Information Glossary β-barrels β-barre...
of debtsarecontained invarious Ordinances:theSmallClaims Tribunal Ordinance for claims below [...] (b) 若有,具體計劃為何;及 主席先生,有關追討欠款的現行法律程序,已載於以㆘各條例內:小額錢債審裁處條 例訂明追討 15,000 元以㆘錢債的程序、㆞方法院條例訂明追討 ...
A bitesize history recap: when the last Fiesta ST arrived in 2014, it went to war against the new Peugeot 208 GTI and a rethought Clio RS, among other established talent. The latest version has had life easy thanks to its dad killing off all foreign claims to the kingdom. Neither the ...
In this study, we present a combined small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering (SANS and SAXS) study of the nanoscale structure of cortical bone specimens from three different species. The variation of the scattering cross section of elements across the periodic table is very different for neutron...
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