Municipal or District Court. You'llserve a copy of the claim and court dateon the "defendant," the person or company you're suing. You must present evidence supporting your case at trial. The defendant can present a defense and file a claim against you if you owe the defendant money. ...
In Missouri, a plaintiff can sue for $5,000 or less in small claims court with or without an attorney. When deciding on the amount of the claim, they may calculate the amount of money they spent or lost due to the issue, which depends on any number of circumstances. For example, if ...
Rules and strategies for bringing your dispute to small claims court. Updated byCara O'Neill,AttorneyUniversity of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law Why Trust Us?Fact-Checked Was this helpful?
A demand letter shows you’re serious and determined to get the money you’re owed. Many people resolve their problems by sending a demand letter. Additionally, if you resolve your problem with a demand letter you can avoid having to go to court. ...
A demand letter shows you’re serious and determined to get the money you’re owed. Many people resolve their problems by sending a demand letter. Additionally, if you resolve your problem with a demand letter you can avoid having to go to court. ...
The venue is a legal term for the court jurisdiction where you must file your lawsuit. Many states have designated “small claim” courts, while other states hear smaller cases in Municipal Courts, Justice of the Peace Courts, or subdivisions of their District Courts. In most cases, you must...
what happens when the defendant is deceased, left no will and the wife will not be the executor of estate etc. the plaintiff who has a lawyer knew the defendant was deceased when he filed the claim. of course, no one appeared on the court date. what happens now to the claim?
Get justice the easy way. Send an effective demand letter for a quick settlement or submit your case to small claims court through Cape.
You might have to pay for a lawyer, court fees, and other things. Even if you win the case, it might not be worth all the money you spent. Time is money: Sorting out a problem with a customer can take a lot of time. You might have to spend a lot of time gathering evidence, ...
The FUTA tax rate is 6.0% and it's imposed on the first $7,000 of wages for each employee. However, you can claim credits against your gross FUTA tax to reflect the state unemployment taxes that you pay. You're allowed to claim a 5.4% credit that effectively reduces your FUTA tax ra...