In fact, total sales of Christmas trees in the U.S. alone amounted to a whopping $1.04 billion in 2014. And you still have holiday lights, nativity scenes, crafted hangings, baskets, wreaths, and other decorations to cover, making this a potentially year-round seasonal side business idea....
Founded more that a millennium ago as a Muslim fortress town, Spain's capital city, Madrid, is a cosmopolitan metropolis known for its incredible art collections, inventive cuisine, and lively nightlife. Visiting the city with Tauck, you'll discover grand avenues such as Gran Via and Castellana...
This Coastal garden flag has a Christmas theme... Or this Christmas garden flag has a coastal theme... you decide! A sandman wearing a Santa hat definitely screams Christmas vacation while the palm trees and blue water make you wish you were somewhere tropical for the holidays! I know I a...
She’d put on a robe when I came to visit because she could see it upset me, the sight of my 80 pound mother, in her adult diaper and a tee shirt, settled in that one corner of her sofa, giant ashtray on the table, glass of vodka, cup of black coffee, piles of magazines and ...
Nic and the ultimate Christmas gift There are three things about me you should know: Number one: I have the sense of humor of an 11-year-old boy. I know this because I found a gif that I thought was hilarious. It was raccoons chasing a kid. My husband said he didn’t see what ...
It was near Christmas during my first semester teaching at a new school. I loved my small special class more than any group I had taught in the past. They were hungry for knowledge and I was enjoying teaching. Other teachers had told me that our children were from poor families and not...
Later that day I began chitting the seed potatoes and it was warm enough the next morning for Seamus to recline beside the pond. The stately stone pine, Pinus pinea, on the south west side of Richmond Green was stop 4 on the trail of Richmond’s Trees which a friend and I followed ...
Love nature and outdoor design? A landscaping business could be an option. Landscaping, also referred to as lawn care, means modifying and maintaining the visible features of an area of land. You’re responsible for creating beauty from living elements like flowers, grass, and trees. ...
Love nature and outdoor design? A landscaping business could be an option. Landscaping, also referred to as lawn care, means modifying and maintaining the visible features of an area of land. You’re responsible for creating beauty from living elements like flowers, grass, and trees. ...
Yes, that’s right: It takes more oil to keep your baby dry for 2-1/2 years than it does to lubricate all the cars you will ever own in your lifetime. For the nation, this means thatover250,000 treesare destroyed and over3.4 billion gallons of oilare usedevery single yearto manufa...