And now I was looking at something that actually surprised me, a little flying robot hovering calmly way up above Silicon Valley’s 2013-era wasteland of cat-washing startups, gig-economy scams, and Facebook-fueled privacy violations.It wasn’t like I was totally unaware of drones, or the...
When the image returns, flip flopped-feet are standing on the pile of fruit and a watermelon is cut in half to reveal the bright red flesh. For the next five minutes, a man cuts fruit, offer- ing samples off the tip of his pocket knife. Eventually the filmmaker leaves the truck and...
Trump’s presidency ends in mere hours when I’m typing theis and for all the harm and damage I believe it caused – which we will spend a long time repairing, from our pandemic response, to wealth inequality, to our national standing in the wider world – I do give it enormous credit...
repetition is a pretty strong tool. And if you can repeat creatively, all the better. A few brands managed to pull this off last night, some with more efficiency than others. Kate McKinnon’s cat meows
” Cat Stevens.) During most of my working years, I didn’t wear jeans at all….I wore dress slacks, skirts, suits. That changed a couple years back…when my current employer agreed to let me wear jeans in the office. Now, I go for comfort. Style? No particular style…just not ...
And the cat seems to be enjoying it too! posted underFriday Afternoon Views from My Office,Grace in Small Things,Things of Beauty|12 Comments » Saturday Snapshot: The Lavender Fields of Nova Scotia July14 We’ve been having a warm, sunny summer, conducive to the growing of lavender. Th...
(walking or standing), alternating movements or dysdiadochokinesia, irregular eye movements or nystagmnus, Field of vision, knee jerk reflex, biceps reflex, sensory examination, tremor Easy fatigue, headache, shaking/shivering, and stiff joints Stiff joint disease, muscle pain, rheumatism, aches,...
Simplified Principles of Standing Support Designing for the Headings Driven in Hard Coal Mines; Series Instructions No. 15; Central Mining Institute: Katowice, Poland, 2001. (In Polish) 14. Silesian Technical University. The Principles of Standing Support Designing for the Headings Driven in Hard ...