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Small Cap Consumer Research:维持Vera Bradley(VRA.US)评级,由买入调整至买入评级, 目标价由6.00美元调整至5.50美元。 Vera Bradley(VRA.US)公司简介:Vera Bradley 公司设计女士手提包,旅行用品和配饰。每个品类都占总销售额的重要组成部分,其中箱包品类所占比例最大。 该公司的大部分销售是通过 Vera Bradley 的零售...
Good morning! This market certainly feels buoyant at the moment. It's the GARP (growth at reasonable price) shares in my portfolio that are really zooming up. My value shares aren't budging much, so it's definitely growth that the market is most interested in right now. The trouble...
3. Access concentrated exposure to small-cap value stocks through a transparent and cost-efficient ETF. INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE The iShares US Small Cap Value Factor ETF seeks to track the investment results of an index composed of U.S. small-capitalization stocks with prominent value characteristics....
CALF ETF has significantly outperformed the iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF (IJR) and offers a higher risk-adjusted return. Read the article for more details.
Market Cap: £300.4m (at the time of writing I hold a long position in this share) Trading update- today's update is for the two months to 28 Feb 2015, completing the year ended 28 Feb 2015. BooHoo is a fashion etailer, targeting teens & young adults, at the affordable end of ...
Alternative ETFs in the FactSet Equity: U.S. - Small Cap Value Segment TypeSymbolExpense RatioAssetsAvg. Daily VolYTD Return CheapestISCV0.06%$457.2 M20,743-0.01% Largest (AUM)VBR0.07%$31.6 B481,644-0.25% Most Liquid (Volume)AVUV0.25%$16.0 B942,641-2.71% ...
4 Small-Cap Premier Holdings Investment Focus How Will Small-Caps Respond to Tariffs and Heightened Volatility? Market Perspective Why Small-Cap Growth Looks Promising Investment Focus Small-Cap Opportunistic Value Strategy—4Q24 Update and Outlook Investment Focus ...
2024 Year-End Distributions Tax Information All Fund Distributions Fourth Quarter 2024 4Q24 Small-Cap Interview 4Q24 Small-Cap Recap 4Q24 U.S. Small-Cap Market Overview Research our firm withFINRA's BrokerCheck Share: Subscribe: Sign Up Follow:...