Filed under Uncategorized April 23, 2018 · 2:39 pm THE FSC MAG – launching very soon Issue 0 of the the FSC Mag is nearly here! It’s the self-conscious, nerdy anti-establishment love child of Harvard Business Review and Private Eye – and aims to become the alternative voice of th...
Oasis. Farm. Poop zone. I don’t know if you can call our property a “farm.” Wedohave an acre of land in Arizona. Wedoprovide a lot of our own food and we do have lots of poop. Er, animal poop that is. I guess that pretty much qualifies as a farm, wouldn’t you agree?
and therefore investors will not have the ability to influence decisions regarding our business. Furthermore, if our (ECF investors) are dissatisfied with the performance of (The Management Team), they will have no ability to remove or replace our (...