Small business owners are sometimes disappointed with their networking efforts because they lump networking and marketing together. Networking may lead to sales eventually, but expecting any particular networking event to generate new business is like expecting to get married at the end of a coffee dat...
Contact Barbara Weltman of Big Ideas for Small Business to get free tax tips, legal and financial ideas for your small business.
Generate business ideas Low-cost small business ideas 11. Professional organizer 12. House cleaner 13. Pet sitter 14. Translator 15. Child care provider 16. Home caregiver 17. Music teacher 18. Doula 19, Event planner 20. Personal chef 21. Photographer 22. Freelance graphic de...
A virtual assistant is someone who works for a person, company, or business owner to do administrative and business tasks to help a business run smoothly. Think of them like in-person assistants, except they work at home and online. Becoming a virtual assistant is one of the most popular ...
Need small business inspiration? Our guide offers 70 ideas to kickstart your entrepreneurship journey.
Want to innovate, impact people’s lives, or change the game in a particular market? Check out these unique small business ideas. Socially responsible business owner Pet business owner Membership program founder Virtual event planner Vending machine owner ...
Doing business is a two-way street. See who in Mid Wilshire might be looking for a customer like you. Referral details updated Sammy LyonfromLyon Ideas, Inc.updated on Dec 11, 2024 Our ideal customer I want to help you buy your first home... or second or third! I LOVE working with...
Another powerful way to expand as a small business is to connect with other local business owners in your community. Consider partnering with local businesses to create shared discounts, deals, or coupons. You could even livestream with another business owner during a promotional event or coordinate...
2. Business is constantly evolving and changing so you need to be constantly learning and exploring ideas. Our events are designed to be as practical as possible so that you leave with something tangible that you could do in your business to make it better. Even if you cannot implement it ...
Small Business Administration (SBA), small businesses generate 44% of U.S. economic activity and create two-thirds of net new jobs. Now more than ever, it’s important for those small and medium-sized... ワークショップ銀行と金融 興味がある 6 ...