What’s involved in managing a 401(k) plan? The program automates many of the tasks required, but you’ll still have a few basic responsibilities as the plan administrator. Here’s what you need to know.Retirement plan basics Small business growth platform With a Simply Retirement by Princip...
With everything they handle day to day, setting up a 401(k) and starting the saving journey can feel overwhelming for small business owners. That’s why we created this straightforward resource that cuts through the noise and helps owners unlocks the potential of their retirement planning. You...
Pick a 401(k) plan Choose the right plan and set contribution levels for your business and employees. Start saving Pick a start date and start saving for retirement right away. Expert support at your fingertips Call a Guideline expert to get answers to all your 401(k) plan, training, and...
401(k) plans can be a powerful tool in promoting financial security in retirement. They are a valuable option for businesses considering a retirement plan, providing benefits to employees and their employers. A traditional 401(k) plan offers the maximum flexibility of the three types of plans....
401(k) Fee Study: 75% of Small Business Plans Pay Hidden Fees “Are my 401(k) fees too high?” is a common question asked by both plan sponsors and participants. Our small business fee study can give some perspective. Read More
We provide you with a full turnkey 401(k) solution that is seamlessly integrated from plan design, plan investment choice guidance, administration, and custodial services.
Whether you're self-employed or a small-business owner, there is a wide range of retirement plans designed to meet your needs. Learn more here.
“We are starting a small business retirement plan and Ubiquity has been excellent helping us get started. The process of creating a plan was simple and well guided. Their system is easy to use.” Christina G. “This is, by far, the easiest 401(k) plan I've ever administered. It's ...
“We are starting a small business retirement plan and Ubiquity has been excellent helping us get started. The process of creating a plan was simple and well guided. Their system is easy to use.” Christina G. “This is, by far, the easiest 401(k) plan I've ever administered. It's ...
A Small Business 401(k) is an affordable retirement plan designed with small business owners and employees in mind. Explore 401(k) plans for small businesses.