AdHocMeetingonSmallArmsandLightWeapons fromanInternationalPerspective Rome 2April1998 Mr.Chairman, AllowmetoextendmywarmestgratitudetothePontificalCouncilforJusticeandPeacefor havingconvenedthisimportantandtimelygathering.Iwishtopayyouatributefortheinitiative ...
Join us for an interdisciplinary discussion examining the past, present, and future of craft-produced small arms and light weapons! ARES is excited to announce the launch of the A Century of Homemade Arms virtual symposium, which will bring together some of the foremost international specialists ...
Small arms and light weapons.(LEGISLATION AND POLICY)Loftis, Robert G
Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) Proliferation and Instability in the Niger Delta: An Analysis of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Process Africana (2155-7829)Obuoforibo, George I. J.
Small arms and light weapons encompass lightweight firearms utilized by two or more individuals as a crew, including pistols, rifles, submachine guns, assault rifles, and light machine guns. The primary categories of small arms and light weapons are, indeed, small arms and light weapons. Small ...
2 September 2021arms trade, black market, conversions, converted firearms, illicit arms trade, light weapons, small arms, Small Arms & Light Weapons, Syria Jack Shanley & Mick F. The conflict in Syria fuels a diverse trade in arms and munitions. Many transactions are performed online, providing...
The proliferation of small arms and light weapons is one of the major security challenges currently facing Nigeria, Africa and indeed the world in general. The trafficking and wide availability of these weapons fuel communal conflict, political instability and pose a threat, not only to national se...
UK)andtheTRESAteam SmallArmsand LightWeapons (SALW)Transfer Controls TRESAmodulesareproducedbytheBonnInternationalCenterforConversion (BICC)underaspecialgrantfromtheBundesministeriumfürwirtschaftliche ZusammenarbeitundEntwicklung/FederalMinistryforEconomicCooperation andDevelopment(BMZ). AuthorsMikeBourneandtheTRESAteam(...
This entry offers an introduction to the topic of small arms and light weapons (SALW). It examines the characteristic features of SALW, the issue of proliferation, the factors that propel the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, and the effects of the proliferation. It also examines ...
circulation and accumulation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALWs), new tasks for the Military and particularly the Naval Operations Doctrines started to take effect and be implemented through the Naval Blockade and Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) during the recent interstate and intrastate ...