1 block W of Marriott in Greensboro, NC in NoMar (N. of Market St.). Located within 1 to 2 blocks of Greenway at Fisher Park apartments, Greenway at Stadium Park apartments, historic Fisher Park, Westerwood neighborhoods and 1-2 miles of Irving Park, Sunset Hills, & more nearby...
Corner of Lindsay St at Battleground1 block W of Marriott Downtown in Greensboro, NC in NoMar (N. of Market St.). Easy 2 block walk to Greensboro's TangerPerforming Arts Center,Hyatt Place downtown, Greenway at Fisher Park and Greenway at Stadium Park apartments,CarrollBellemeade apartments,...
Corner of Lindsay St at Battleground1 block W of Marriott Downtown in Greensboro, NC in NoMar (N. of Market St.). Also nearby Greensboro's new Hyatt Place downtown, Tanger Performing Arts Center. Also nearby: Greenway at Fisher Park apartments, Greenway at Stadium Park apartments, CarrollBel...