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35.Miyaki M, Iijima T, Konishi M, Sakai K, Ishii A, Yasuno M, Hishima T, Koike M, Shitara N, Iwama T. Higher frequency of Smad4 gene mutation in human colorectal cancer with distant metastasis.Oncogene. 1999;18:3098-3103.[PubMed][DOI] ...
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SMAD4 Gene Mutation Renders Pancreatic Cancer Resistance to Radiotherapy through Promotion of Autophagy. Clin Cancer Res. 2018;24:3176–85. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Goodwin CM, Waters AM, Klomp JE, Javaid S, Bryant KL, Stalnecker CA, et al. Combination Therapies ...
结论SMAD4基因的突变可 能介导了散发 性结直肠癌后期的发生发展. 【关键词】SMAD4杂合性缺失;散发性结直肠癌 MutationsoftheSMAD4geneinsporadiccolorectalcancer,Guang—bing,LIDa— peng,eta1.DepartamentofGeneralSurgery,豫eHospitalofShandongProvince,n口 n25oo12,China 【Abstract】ObjecfiveTodeterminethemutations...
SMAD4 gene mutation renders pancreatic cancer resistance to radiotherapy through promotion of autophagy. Clin Cancer Res. 2018;24:3176–85. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Oyanagi H, Shimada Y, Nagahashi M, Ichikawa H, Tajima Y, Abe K, et al. SMAD4 alteration associates ...
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Chromosome 18q21 is one of the most frequently lost regions in colorectal cancer. There are three candidate tumor suppressor genes located in this region, including DCC, Smad2 and Smad4. Since accumulated evidence has failed to support DCC and Smad2 as tumor suppressor genes involved in colorectal...
在Smad家族中,DPC4(deleted in pancreatic cancer,locus 4)/Smad4与肿瘤的关系尤为密切1。有报道宫颈癌中Smad4表达缺失2-3。笔者采用免疫组织化学(SP法)检测Smad4在宫颈鳞状细胞癌(SCC)组织的表达情况,探讨其表达与局部肿瘤血管生成、癌细胞增殖、侵袭转移及预后的关系。1 对象与 9、方法1.1 对象 临床资料见文献...
11 HahnSA , BartschD , SchroersA , eta .Mutationof DPC4 / Smad4geneinbi iarytractcarcinoma [ J ] .Cancer Res , 1998 , 58 ( 6 ): 1124. 12 JingX , Li ianaA.Mutationsinthetumorsuppressors SMAD2andSMAD4inactivetransforminggrowthfac- torsigna ingbytargetingSMADstotheubiqutin-pro- ...