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www.21yangjie.com SMA5921AQ THRU SMA5956AQ ■ Characteristics (Typical) Fig1 :Power Temperature Derating Crue 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Lead Temperature, TL(℃) Fig2 :Typical Zener Breakdown Characteristics 7.5V 15V 100 50 30 20 10 5 3 2 1 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0...
DC Power Dissipation at TL=75℃, measure at Zero Lead Length (Note 1) Derate above 75℃ 1.5 20 PD Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3ms Single Half IFSM Sine-wave Superimposed on Rated Load (JEDEC method)(Note 2) 10 Amps Operating and Storage Temperature Range TJ, TSTG ...
Guarantees the zener voltage when messured at 90 seconds while o C± 1o maintaining the lead temperature (TL) at 30 C± 1 C, from the diode body. 4. Zener Impedance (ZZ) Derivation. The zener impedance is derived from the 60 cycle ac voltage, which results when an ac current having...
DC Power Dissipation at TL=75℃, measure at Zero Lead Length (Note 1) Derate above 75℃ 1.5 20 PD Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3ms Single Half IFSM Sine-wave Superimposed on Rated Load (JEDEC method)(Note 2) 10 Amps Operating and Storage Temperature Range TJ, TSTG ...
Guarantees the zener voltage when messured at 90 seconds while o C± 1o maintaining the lead temperature (TL) at 30 C± 1 C, from the diode body. 4. Zener Impedance (ZZ) Derivation. The zener impedance is derived from the 60 cycle ac voltage, which results when an ac current having...
20-50kW并网逆变器Sunny Tower 2、独立供电系统 离网逆变器Sunny Island系列 3、并网备用发电设备 Sunny Backup-System 4、光伏电站通讯与监测系统 并网逆变器型号如下: 1~5kW Sunny Boy SB 3000TL/4000TL/5000TL SB 2100TL/3300TL HC SB 3300/3800 SB 1100/1200/1700/2500/3000 5~11kW Sunny Mini Cen...