❌ Android force closes the app when loading HD texture packs or generating new .lvl files Try restarting app or using process killer workarounds ❌ Discord This voip service's closed-source SDK is thought to be prohibitively difficult to use on alternative operating systems. Let me know ...
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The easiest way is to download sm64ex-coop builder Termux Click here to build the .apk from a non-Android device. Recording showcasing new touch controls features: sm64excooptouchcontrols.webm Recording showcasing several mods: olaiabuttons.webm Render96 models and textures (SonicDark The...
❌ Occasional crash when loading HD texture packs - try restarting app ❌ Discord ❌ BASS audio How to Play on any open-source UNIX-like OS This repository also contains changes meant to make porting sm64ex-coop to open-source UNIX-like operating systems easier (the normal sm64ex-coop...
❌ Occasional crash when loading HD texture packs - try restarting app ❌ Discord ❌ BASS audio How to Play on any open-source UNIX-like OS This repository also contains changes meant to make porting sm64ex-coop to open-source UNIX-like operating systems easier (the normal sm64ex-coop...