Click on the Table for more details and click on the Functional Area to see all the tables specific to that module/sub-module.
SAP Background Job Tables Background jobs related information will be saved in TBTCO and TBTCP tables. TBTCO is the header table This has the job-related information such as job name, start and end dates and times, job scheduler etc. TBTCP is job step table. This has the individual process...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I want a list of all the scheduled jobs, and for that I am referring the table TBTCS. But not all records I am fetching from the table is present in SM37 scheduled job list and also I see some scheduled jobs in SM37 that are not present in...
take this value and put it SE16 for table RSPCCHAIN in field VARIANTE ==> field CHAIN_ID will give you your process chain option 2 you'll need table TBTCP(V) & enter it with your jobname & jobcount... with the progname & variant you find, you can use function module RS_VARIANT_...
Check in Table TBTCO (Job Status Overview Table) Regards Brahmaji Former Member 2009 Jun 18 0 Kudos i donu2019t think this table works cause it is the table for which the Job has executed. I want to know who has deleted my job ? Best Regards, Parag Save. Anupam1143 Active Contr...
keep in spool 'X' new list identification 'X' no dialog . Read through internal table, writing reports lines Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2005 May 31 12:40 PM 0 Kudos 290 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Bruce, I tried your code in one of my prog...
图1梅花鹿、驯鹿、麋鹿血液DEGs主成分分析Fig. 1The PCA analsysis of the blood DEGs in blood of sika deer, reindeer and Père David's deer 火山图分析结果表明,梅花鹿与驯鹿共有2 932个DEGs,与驯鹿相比,梅花鹿血液中有1 919个DEGs(包括SAPCD2,EPHB2,KL...
ArcNeural多模态智能引擎:ArcNeural是以Data-Centric AI为核心理念构建的多模态智能引擎,支持图(Graph)、向量(Vector)、表格(Table)、时序(Temporal)、JSON等多种数据模态的融合与处理。在技术层面,ArcNeural将传统数据库的“存储&计算”模式升级为更先进的“记...