It was written 'For some reason, a large number of files are deleted from the TemSe directory (often /usr/sap/C11/SYS/global/001JOBLG/, in the example \\ADEBT003\sapmnt\E22\SYS\al\000JOBLG\). Only afterwards were the relevant batch logs and their TemSe objects deleted (for example,...
SM21 ( SAP System Log ) : The SAP System logs all system errors, warnings, user locks due to failed logon attempts from known users, and process messages in the system log.These can be helpful when analyzing issues. SM20 the Security Audit Log to record security-related system information...
The SAP standard background job that is scheduled to clear out these logs is leaving 35 days worth of data in the system. Is there a way of looking at the log files other than using SM21? so that i can prove that something is actually clearing out the logs or that SM21 is having ...