答SM1-1471为绿色相,在HSV色彩空间中 SM1-1471的色调为105度,饱和度为4%,明度为75%,中英文名称是“未命名” 问SM1-1471色号的RGB,Hex,CMYK数值分别是多少? 答SM1-1471色号的RGB色值为(184,190,182), Hex(十六进制色值)为 #B8BEB6, CMYK未登记 ,请注意,这些数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,实际生产中请参阅...
Additional file 1 - Supplementary Materials for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis of RNA-Seq Data: Integrating Differential Expression and Splicing Xi Wang1,2, Murray J. Cairns1,2,3* 1School of Biomedical Sciences and Pharmacy, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, New South Wales, Australi...
Supplementary Information Composite Transcriptome Assembly of RNA-seq data in a Sheep Model for Delayed Bone Healing Marten Jäger 1,2,5, Claus-Eric Ott 1,5, Johannes Grünhagen1, Jochen Hecht2, Hanna Schell2,4, Stefan Mundlos1,2,3, Georg N. Duda2,4, Peter N. Robinson1,2,3...
SM1-1471巴利红全国服务热线:13766839663 哈尔滨派帝建筑材料有限公司/ Contact us 哈尔滨派帝建筑材料有限公司 服务热线:13766839663 联系人:陈经理 手机:13766839663 地址:哈尔滨市香坊区公滨路53号留言咨询 *联系人: *手机: 公司名称: 邮箱: *采购意向: ...
1 Supplementary material: Diminishing Return for Increased Map- pability with Longer Sequencing Reads: Implications of the k-mer Distributions in the Human Genome Wentian Li, an Freudenberg, Pedro Miramontes Supplementary material: Table S1 Chromosome locations of k=1000-mers with frequency f ≥...
GWIS - Model-free, Fast and Exhaustive Search for Epistatic Interactions in Case-Control GWAS Supplementary Materials Benjamin Goudey∗1,2 , David Rawlinson1,3, Qiao Wang1,2, Fan Shi1,2, Herman Ferra1, Richard M. Campbell1,3, Linda Stern 2, Michael Inouye 4,5, Cheng Soon...