SM_Table_Bench_Bowls3D Model Emilė Masytė Follow 6 6 Views 0Like Add toEmbedShareReport Triangles: 2k Vertices: 1.2kMore model information No description provided. Published 4 months ago Oct 25th 2024No category set.No tags set.
The Table element specifies the table, which is a database object to which an Entity is bound. The following are the
填写完毕,点击左上角创建 此处特别说明:如果在创建table的某些字段时没有指定其data element,则此字段在sm30维护时将看不到字段名称,而是显示为“+”。 两种方法解决此问题: 1.对于table中的每个字段都指定其data element 2.se80 选择 function group ,填写上一步中填写的group,在screens中根据描述查找到维护的vi...
例句: The ball rolled under the table.球滚到了桌子下面。 更多信息: main table 主桌 folding table 折叠桌 end table (摆在沙发两边的茶几) dressing table 化妆镜 table tennis 乒乓球 draw up a table 绘制表格 timetable 时间表 ...
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2.2 Common SMDL Data Types 2.3 SemanticModel 2.4 CustomProperties 2.5 CustomProperty 2.6 Entities 2.7 Entity 2.8 Column 2.8 Column 2.8.1 Column.Name 2.8.2 Column.TableName 2.9 DefaultAggregateAttributes 2.10 AttributeReference 2.11 Path 2.12 RolePathItem ...
The Table element specifies the table, which is a database object to which an Entity is bound. The following are the
smmOpportunityTable smmOutlookLastSync smmOutlookRecurrencePattern smmQuotationAlternativeQuotations smmQuotationCompetitors smmResponsibilitiesEmplTable smmResponsibilitiesTable smmSalesTarget smmSalesUnitMembers smmSourceTypeTable smmSwotTable smmTMCallListTable smmTMContactResponses M...
Speirs Robertson AMD-SM-75x75 AMD-SM Microscope Table, Sorbothane Isolators; 75x75 cm 品牌:Cole-Parmer货号: CN-11500-29产地:美国 供应商报价:面议科尔帕默仪器(上海)有限公司 更新时间:2024-12-30 12:55:44 销售范围售全国 入驻年限第5年 营业执照已审核...