三星T530平板屏幕10.1英寸TFT材质;分辨率:1280 x 800 (WXGA)。
Model samsung SM-T530NU Processor ARM Qualcomm @ 1.19 GHz 1 Processor, 4 Cores Processor ID ARM implementer 65 architecture 7 variant 0 part 3079 revision 3 L1 Instruction Cache 0 KB L1 Data Cache 0 KB L2 Cache 0 KB L3 Cache 0 KB Motherboard MSM8226 BIOS Memory 1.37 GB Integer...
支持型号:三星GALAXY Tab 4 SM-T530NU 固件版本:T530NUUEU1BQC1-XAR 安卓5.0 备 注:下载...
I currently have a samsung galaxy tab 4 10.1 (sm-t530nu) its running 5.0.2 I was told by samsung that i could take it to best buy and they could force an update on the operating system however the specific best buy is 45 mins away. the tablet is set to auto update and is saying...
建议: 没有更新 Samsung 平板电脑 设备驱动程序经验的Windows用户可以使用DriverDoc驱动程序更新工具[DriverDoc - Solvusoft的产品] 来帮助更新这些Samsung Galaxy Tab (Wi-Fi) SM-T530NU 驱动程序。 DriverDoc是一个自动下载和更新SM-T530NU 驱动程序的实用程序,可确保您为操作系统安装正确的驱动程序版本。