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Galaxy S22 Ultra SM-S908EZGEATS Galaxy S22 Ultra GreenSingle SIM256 GB Sorry! This product is no longer available * User memory is less than the total memory due to storage of the operating system and software used to operate the device features. Actual user memory will va...
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SM-S908 适用品牌 Samsung/三星 适用型号 S22 Ultra 颜色分类 S22U上听筒,S22U下喇叭,S22U听筒喇叭一套 图文详情 0 本店推荐 适用索尼Xperia 1 III XQ-BC72 原装后盖 电池盖X1 iii马克3背板 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#Ozs7OzZhlWWGbaFtYWQAY0dbd2UuYG1viGBZaElg52WsW1huJW/LZzt1JlqGbto=] 适用于索尼Xpe...
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System Information Operating SystemAndroid 12 ModelSamsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Model IDsamsung SM-S908N Motherboardtaro Governorwalt CPU Information NameARM ARMv8 Topology1 Processor, 8 Cores Base Frequency1.78 GHz Cluster 14 Cores @ 1.79 GHz
第一项跑分数据是 SM-S908N 机型,使用的是 Geekbench 4 软件。跑分信息可以看出,手机搭载 12GB 内存,处理器采用的是 ARMv8 指令集,小核频率 1.78GHz。这款手机单核跑分 6908 分,多线程跑分 15079,从成绩上看超越了高通骁龙 888。目前在 Geekbench 软件上,骁龙 8 Gen 1 芯片依旧显示为 ARMv8 指令集...