Wear it your way Whatever your style, express it with the Galaxy Watch. Choose from three colours, each with a load of customisable faces. Whether it's Rose Gold, Midnight Black or Silver, you can go from work to the weekend, effortlessly. From the rotating bezel to the crystal-clear s...
How do I change the display name of my Galaxy Buds? How to change the language settings of each app in your Galaxy device How can I use the Active Noise Canceling feature on Galaxy Buds Live? Galaxy Watch(SM-R800) SM-R800 Solutions & Tips ...
buonasera a tutti , ho un Samsung Galaxy SM-R800 da ormai 3-4 anni. Nell'ultima settimana sto riscontrando un problema che rende il mio orologio inutilizzabile, si apre automaticamente la schermata di samsung pay " obbligandomi " a collegarlo al telefono e inserire una carta con un pi...
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Buonasera, giorni fa è uscito un update firmware per mio Galaxy Watch 46mm (sm-r800) versione software R800XXU1GWE2, e da quando lo ho installato
型号SM-R800NZSADBT型号年份 2018产品特性 Beschleunigungsmesser, Bluetooth4.2, Eingebaute Lautsprecher, GPS, Touchscreen, Wecker 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付1430.74元 电脑数码实时好价排行 88VIP:SONY 索尼 Alpha 7C II 全画幅 微单相机 ¥15999 天猫精选 ¥10399 值得买爆料价 Apple...
三星适配原装Gear S3表带galaxy watch SM-R800 46MM智能手表表带 海军蓝图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
从S3过来的,无缝对接,原先购买的表盘都在。千元价位性价比很高,当初S3可是花了2700啊。续航以及响应速度比原来都强了很多。建议还是搭配三星手机使用,真的很爽。就是这一年前的生产日期有点久远,到手后基本上没电。 46mm 钛泽银Galaxy watch2020-12-08 16:07来自京东iPhone客户端 ...
Key attributes Other attributes Place of Origin China Model Number EDA004299904 Compatible model For Samsung Galaxy Watch 46mm SM-R800 Packaging and delivery Selling Units: Single item Single package size: 6X6X2 cm Single gross weight: 0.114 kg Lead timeKnow your supplier...
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