EB-BR730ABE Replacement Battery for Samsung Gear S2 3G Version SM-R730A,SM-R730V,SM-R600,SM-R735A;Samsung Galaxy Gear S2 3G Version (R730,R730A,R730T,R730S & R730V) 3.8V, 300 mAh Lipolymer Item No. EB-BR730ABE...
Specifications: Model Capacity: EB-BR730ABE 650mAh Quality: Grade A & Tested well before shipping Fit: For Samsung Gear Sport SM-R600 S2 3G R730 SM-R730A R730V SM-R730S SM-R Product Name: Replacement Battery Warning: Potential for fire and burning Features: |Samsung Rf260beaesr Troubleshoo...
TAKE A LOOK AT THIS:DaDaXiong EB-BR730ABE 600mAh Battery For Samsung Gear Sport SM-R600 S2 3G R730 SM-R730A R730V SM-R730S SM-R730T SM-R735T Watch PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: The compatible brand of our product is samsung.The brand of our product is da da xiong.Our product is from...
目的 探讨PAC对人工流产术后患者心理状态,护理满意度的影响.方法 选取2021年8月至2022年2月本院收治的80例人工流产术患者作为研究对象.依据数字表法将患者分成对照组和观察组,每组各40例.对照组采取常规人工流产服务模式,观察组采取流产后关爱(PAC).分析比较两组的心理状态,避孕措施落实情况,生存质量以及护理满意度...
Specifications: Model Capacity: EB-BR730ABE 650mAh Quality: Grade A & Tested well before shipping Fit: For Samsung Gear Sport SM-R600 S2 3G R730 SM-R730A R730V SM-R730S SM-R Product Name: Replacement Battery Warning: Potential for fire and burning Features: |Samsung Rf260beaesr Troubleshoo...
da da xiongView more DescriptionReport Item TAKE A LOOK AT THIS:DaDaXiong EB-BR730ABE 600mAh Battery For Samsung Gear Sport SM-R600 S2 3G R730 SM-R730A R730V SM-R730S SM-R730T SM-R735T Watch PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: The compatible brand of our product is samsung.The brand of our ...