一直苦苦寻觅单独type-c借口的我,忽然进到了天猫“三星影像旗舰店” ,这里竟然卖的是最新的SM-R325(兼容Note 8)!但天猫还有个三星旗舰店叫“三星官方旗舰店”,所以将信将疑和客服聊了半天。最后发现这个也确实是三星的旗舰店,不过是专卖配件类的,看来三星的代理公司业务范围分的很清楚啊。自然是直接下单了,快...
Presentation of the Device Holder Switching the Device Holder Connecting your Samsung Phone to the Gear VR Wearing the Gear VR Removing your Phone from the Gear VR Headset Gear VR - First Time Usage of the Gear VR with Controller (SM-R325)...
FAQ for Samsung VR. Find more about 'Reorienting the Controller of the Gear VR (SM-R325)' with Samsung Support
FAQ for Samsung mobile. Find more about 'note 9 not able to attach gear vr sm-r325 device holder' with Samsung Support.
FAQ for Samsung VR. Find more about 'Recalibrating the Controller of the Gear VR (SM-R325)' with Samsung Support.
FAQ for Samsung VR. Find more about 'Manage Apps on the Gear VR with Controller (SM-R325)' with Samsung Support.
Gear VR - Navigate Menus or Make a Selection Using the Gear VR with Controller (SM-R325)Last Update date : Oct 04. 2020There are two ways to stroll around your virtual world. You can use the touchpad on the side of the Gear VR or the remote controller. Eit...
FAQ for Samsung VR. Find more about 'Using Bluetooth to Pair a Smartphone and the Gear VR with Controller (SM-R325)' with Samsung Support.