当陶瓷中的二氧化锰含量达到1.5 mol%时,其在2 kV/mm条件下表现出0.151%的高电应变。因此,本文为二氧化锰的添加在受体掺杂调节Sm-PMN-PT陶瓷电学性能中起到的作用方面研究提供了一个新的视角。 Effects of Mn-doping on the Structure and Electric...
Sm-PMN-PT ceramicsultrasound transducer1-3 compositebiomedical imagingFERROELECTRIC CERAMICSPZTFABRICATIONEPOXYDESIGNPiezoelectric 1-3 composite materials have become extensively utilized in diagnostic ultrasound transducers owing to their high electromechanical coupling coefficient, low acoustic impedance, and low ...
为了研究Sm-PMN-PT陶瓷场诱应变特性及作为致动器的应用效果,本论文研究了0.025Sm-PMN-x PT陶瓷的电滞回线、单极和双极电场诱应变曲线,制作了大场诱应变微位移致动器元件。测试结果发现,Sm-PMN-PT系列陶瓷应变量很大,可达0.116%,归一化Smax/Emax高达1150 pm/V,并且滞后小;以0.025Sm-PMN-0.28PT陶瓷为位移元件...
《花容天下漫画_漫画搜索_极速漫画》剧情简介:演唱会票价越来越贵早在三年前就已经不新鲜花容天下漫画_漫画搜索_极速漫画大同风幕撕开一道伤口从里面喷涌出无数蛊虫引得蛊仙们争相拼抢虽然生物圈二号中种了3800种动植物但这些动植物跟人类一样也需要一定的生长周期 ...
In this work, an all-inorganic transparent Sm-doped Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/(3))O-3-PbTiO3 (Sm:PMN-PT) film has been successfully grown on Mica substrate via a simple one-step sol-gel process. The flexible film shows an ultrahigh piezoelectric coefficient d(33) of 380 pm V-1 owing to the ...
Sm-PMN-PT ceramicselectro-strainacceptor dopingMnO2-modified Pbdoi:10.1142/S2010135X23500042Wu ChaofengCenter of Advanced Ceramic Materials and Devices, Yangtze Delta Region Institute of Tsinghua University, Zhejiang 314006, P. R. ChinaGong Wen
The Sm-PMN-PT polycrystalline ceramics meets basic criteria of solid state refrigeration.It shows high polarization of 40 C/cm2, piezoelectric coefficientd33 146pm/V and pyroelectric coefficient 4610 C/m2/K1.The Sm-PMN-PT shows a maximum ECE entropy (|S|) and temperature (|T|) changes i....
Sm-PMN-PT ceramicselectro-strainacceptor dopingMnO 2 -modified Pb 0.9625 Sm 0.025 (Mg 1/3 Nb 2/3 ) 0.71 Ti 0.29 O 3 ceramics were prepared via a solid-state reaction approach. Results of detaWu, ChaofengGong, WenGeng, JinfengCui, Jianye...