在关机状态下,同时按【电源键】和【音量上键】就可以进入Recovery系统。三星自带的Recovery系统无法支撑刷入第三方系统,所以我们要更换Recovery系统为一个叫做TWRP的东西,刷入的方法是点击Odin3的AP选项,选择TWRP的文件,然后点击start。等到刷好以后,可以关机,进入Recovery模式。 一定要使用3.2以上版本的twrp。否则刷机会...
I know I had a little trouble trying to find these specific recoveries due to goo.im being gone and the TWRP listing for the WIFI ONLY MODEL [SM-P600] not on their site. So I'm posting this to shorten your searches if this is for what you are searching. All I did was use UNIFIED...
ODIN flashable recovery You won't be able to install it via TWRP for SM-P600, it will be complaining about the device name not being lt03wifiue. This is because they are mixing it up with SM-P601, it should be fixed on their side. I haven't tried but it might be the cas...
Install a compatible Recovery Perform a NANDroid backup of your current ROM (Optional) Wipe data & cache partitions of your device (required when coming from stock!). Flash CyanogenMod. Optional: Install the Google Apps addon package. Known issues Camera/Camcorder (preview works, but ...