Samsung Galaxy S9, Coral Blue
Samsung Galaxy S9, Black
1.屏幕:5.8英寸(直角)/5.6英寸(圆角),18.5:9的全视曲面屏。2.尺寸(高*宽*厚):147.7 x 68.7 x 8.5mm,重量为163g。3.外壳颜色:谜夜黑、莱茵蓝、夕雾紫、勃艮第红(具体以实际销售为准)。4.内存:总ROM内存为64GB/128GB;总RAM内存为4GB。5.CPU(处理器):2.8GHz,1.7GHz...
SM-G960U1 /SM-G960UZBFXAA Share your product experience Wishlist ColorCoral Blue Carrier $699.99 Capacity 128GB+$650 64GB+$500 256GB Get Stock Alerts May we send you an alert when this product is available? Let's keep in touch!Tick the box to receive promotional email and texts (which...
SM-G960U1 /SM-G960UZBEXAA Share your product experience Wishlist ColorCoral Blue Carrier $649.99 Capacity 128GB 64GB+$500 256GB+$700 Get Stock Alerts May we send you an alert when this product is available? Let's keep in touch!Tick the box to receive promotional email and texts (which...
43 images Amazon PopulárníNové 20 00 51 41 51 50 42 155 00 21 10 31 00 20 00 41 10 20 245 42 72 61 60 20 30 11 10 10 81 51 10 20 20 40 10 10 00 10 00 20 20 10 00
S9代号为star,即Galaxy S9(SM-G960 - Star 1)和Galaxy S9 +(SM-G965 - Star 2),Note9代号为crown ,看来这次三星对于自己的9系充满信心啊[作揖]
USA (MetroPCS) (TMK) USA (Sprint) (XAS) USA (T-Mobile) (TMB) USA (US Cellular) (USC) USA (Verizon) (VZW) Virgin Mobile USA (VMU) Xfinity Mobile (CHA) ModelSM-G960U1 Product CodeXAR Security Patch2021-01-01 OS VersionAndroid 10 ...
Samsung Galaxy S9 - SM-G690FOne UI-version, 2.0Android-version, 10 Basic version, 4.9.118-17633310#1 Mon Jan 13 10:38:42 KST 2020 CompilenrQP1A.190711.020.G960FXXU7DTAA Also tried some of the "secret codes" but most of them made either "IMS service" or "Phone" to crash.Exampl...
USA (Cricket) (AIO) USA (MetroPCS) (TMK) USA (Sprint) (XAS) USA (T-Mobile) (TMB) USA (US Cellular) (USC) USA (Verizon) (VZW) Virgin Mobile USA (VMU) Xfinity Mobile (CHA) ModelSM-G960U1 Product CodeAIO Security Patch2020-09-01 ...