Model samsung SM-G930W8 Processor ARMv8 @ 1.59 GHz 1 Processor, 8 Cores Processor ID ARM implementer 83 architecture 8 variant 1 part 1 revision 1 L1 Instruction Cache 0 KB L1 Data Cache 0 KB L2 Cache 0 KB L3 Cache 0 KB Motherboard universal8890 BIOS Memory 3.50 GB Integer...
SM-G930W8 材质 其他 适用品牌 Samsung/三星 颜色分类 1张水凝膜【高清】,2张水凝膜【高清】,4张水凝膜【高清】,1张水凝膜【蓝光】,2张水凝膜【蓝光】,4张水凝膜【蓝光】,1张高清+1张蓝光【水凝膜】,2张高清+2张蓝光【水凝膜】 贴膜类型 前膜 贴膜特点 高清,彩膜 图文详情 本店推荐 索尼Xperia XZ1C高...
Yup, it is compatible with Samsung GALAXY S7 G930 G930F SM-G9300. Is this battery safe to use? Certainly, it is safe to use. It has passed grade A testing and CE certification. Does this battery come from the original brand?
SM-G930W8 BL and CP Magisk related Threads: Magisk V13.3 Magisk Beta V13.6 Magisk Discussion How-To create a Magisk module Phh magiks superuser Magisk module collection Root related Threads: Phh's superuser Phh's hidesu Phh's official apk Phh's material APK Stable SuperSU releases...
SM-G930K BL and CP SM-G930L BL and CP SM-G930S BL and CP SM-G930W8 BL and CP Xposed Threads (MM ONLY): Wanam Xposed V87 Systemless Magisk Xposed V86.6 Official Xposed V87 (DOES NOT WORK ON SAMSUNG DEVICES) visit this website only for changelogs...
Yup, it is compatible with Samsung GALAXY S7 G930 G930F SM-G9300. Is this battery safe to use? Certainly, it is safe to use. It has passed grade A testing and CE certification. Does this battery come from the original brand?