Tamil Madura உள்ளம் குழையுதடி கிளியே ₹ 135.00 Revew: (0) Add to cart View Product Ani Shiva அகல்யா ₹ 150.00 Rated 5.00 out of 5 Revew: (2) Add to cart View...
Define libertinism. libertinism synonyms, libertinism pronunciation, libertinism translation, English dictionary definition of libertinism. n. 1. The state or quality of being libertine. 2. The behavior characteristic of a libertine; promiscuity. America
Keywords:21st century; Sri Lanka; Sinhala; contemporary literature; award-winning novels A Study of the Development of Indian Tamil Literature in the 21st Century ZHOU Xin Abstract:Tamil literature comprises an important part of Indian literature. Contemporary...