Sorry I don't know how to quote posts without using mouse (I should really get Brave, the mark-up buttons don't work in Bromite, could be a touchpad firmware thing too, whatever). I'll try to respond anyways. I have been fiddling with the device and I saw no crash or any ...
Common device configuration for Xiaomi SM6250 based devices - android_device_xiaomi_sm6250-common/proprietary-files.txt at universe · BlissRoms-Devices/android_device_xiaomi_sm6250-common
1.3.2 firmware-mod-kit firmware-mod-kit(fmk)可能是最常用的基于binwalk的解打包工具,但是由于很久没用更新,使用场景有限。 fmk的安装使用都比较简单,如下所示: #For ubuntu$sudo apt-get install git build-essential zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev python-magic bsdmainutils au...