5 Golden Arrow Award ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard 2024 Golden Arrow Awards Strongest Adherence to Corporate Governance #1 Best Senior Management Support #3 Most Organised Investor Relations #1 Best Strategic CSR #5 Sustainability Sustainalytics Regional Top Rated Company ...
Tim Daniels, Consultant and Head of Investor Relations at SM Investments Corporation “Our journey on sustainability is shown by how the group has grown and how we think about our responsibilities. It is about how we do our business by looking, after all, our stakeholders,”Tim Daniels, Consul...
Business Involvement metrics can help investors gain a more comprehensive view of specific activities in which a fund may be exposed through its investments. Business Involvement metrics are not indicative of a fund’s investment objective, and, unless otherwise stated in fund documentation and included...
Investments 及腾讯组成的投资者财团完成收购亚玛芬体育公司全球化进程。亚玛芬体育旗下的国际知名品牌也加入了安踏集团的多品牌阵营,包括萨洛蒙 Salomon (法国)、始祖鸟 Arc ' teryx (加拿大)、颂拓 Suunto (芬兰)、威尔胜 Wilson (美国)等。这些品牌在户外运动、滑雪、球类及运动器械等各自的运动细分领域位居全球前列...
Blake Motley--Vice President of Strategy and Head of Investor Relations Thanks, operator, and good morning, everyone. If you don't already have a copy of our earnings release that was issued earlier this morning, please visit our website at ww.summitmidstream.com where you'll find it...
投资者关系(Investor Relations) 一家拥有非常成熟的IR团队的公司,他们经常通过金融建模和估值手段,参与有关股息政策,股票回购和并购活动的决策。 很多专业都可以从事与这四个方向相关联的公司金融工作,比如金融和会计,数据分析,数学专业的同学们...
In terms of investor types, Qian Liqiang said that the investment channels of Chinese enterprises in Southeast Asia are very diverse. “The obvious feature of Chinese enterprises’ investment in Southeast Asia is that private equity...
Microsoft (2013). Investor Relations. Available at: http://www.microsoft.com/investor/CompanyInfo/Strategy/default.aspx Wikipedia (2013). Microsoft Corporation. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft Interbrand (2013). Best Global Brands in 2012. Available at: http://www.interbran...
b. c. d. From the company’s Web site www.starbucks.com (Hint: Search for “investor relations.”) From the SEC Web site www.sec.gov. (Hint: Search for company filings in the EDGAR database.) From the Yahoo! Finance Web site http://finance.yahoo.com. From at least one other ...
‘Chaga tea’ was used for the treatment of an upset stomach and intestinal pains. Such a decoction was (and still is) especially popular among hunters and foresters, since this drink alleviates hunger, removes tiredness, refreshes, and increases work capacity. Chaga tea is also used as a me...