【20】David J. Betz and Valeriy G. Volkov, “A New Day for the Russian Army? Reforming the Armed Forces under Yeltsin and Putin,” in Russian Military Reform, 1992-2002, ed. Anne Aldis and Roger N. McDermott (Portland, Oregon: Frank Cass Publishers, 200...
11DOD[US].strategic management plan.2008.5:http://www.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/SMP%202008.pdf. 12参考:赵小卓、石文蕊《全面解读美军战略管理》,《军事学术》2010年第3期。 13根据1986年《戈德华特——尼科尔斯国防改组法》要求,总统每年需向国会提交年...
12Eric A. Mc Vadon,“Systems Integrationin China’s People’s Liberation Army,” in The People’s Liberation Army in the Information Age, ed. James C. Mulvenon and RichardH.Yang (Santa Monica, CA: The RAND Corporation, 1999), available at www.rand.org/conten...
找出词中的harder,联系到比较级的结构:主语+动词+形容词比较级+than+代词找到词中的特殊变形,确定句型。 73.【答案】My son is too young to join the army. 【解析】考查陈述句的连词成句找到词中的句型too...to,再组织句子...
【20】David J. Betz and Valeriy G. Volkov, “A New Day for the Russian Army? Reforming the Armed Forces under Yeltsin and Putin,” in Russian Military Reform, 1992-2002, ed. Anne Aldis and Roger N. McDermott (Portland, Oregon: Frank Cass Publishers, 2003), 9....