Google Share on Facebook slyly Thesaurus Medical Idioms Related to slyly:unceasingly sly (slī) adj.sli·er(slī′ər),sli·est(slī′ĕst)alsosly·erorsly·est 1.Clever or cunning, especially in the practice of deceit. 2.Stealthy or surreptitious:took a sly look at the letter on the...
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sly(adj.) late 12c.,sleigh, "skillful, clever, dexterous, wise, prudent," from Old Norsesloegr"cunning, crafty, sly," from Proto-Germanic*slogis(source also of Low Germanslu"cunning, sly," Germanschlau), probably from*slak-"to strike, hit" (seeslay(v.)), with an original notion ...